7 Kommentare

  1. vermissen und berlin – ist immer sehnsucht und freitod zugleich.
    ich höre gerade zaz und denke über sehnsucht nach.
    ich mag die fotos – ich mag deinen schal.

  2. @角 ひろみ: THANKS & for stoppingby :)

    @johanna, so happy to read your lines <3
    yeah, zurich is a lot less colourful without you :(
    i like the picture of myself, its me ;)
    pizza oh ja!

    for the film:
    either it is a 400ISO noname from rossmann (the very cheap ones in double-packs)
    an expired 200ISO Kodakfilm that i grubbed in brocki one day

    soon more

    @jasmin, freut mich dass dir johannas blog gefällt! :)

  3. Thank you so much for this, I was so smile/laughing when I saw it !
    The pictures are really nice, (Tim asked me what kind of film you used), and my face is a joke.
    The outfite of the first picture is also a joke in the grey Zürich!
    Like I told you on facebook, those days with you in Zürich were really nice & lovely.

    Sorry for the picture I “try” to take of you ! Instead of the cat, you have ??? My fingers ?! Or a lot of clouds under your feets ?!

    I’m looking forward to eat this HUGE pizza with you in Berlin! La pizza plus grand que Anna !
    Oh, nice sound too !

    <3 <3 <3

    Ps :Is this comment for me ? If yes, thank you Mogu !!

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