Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: photocase

free credit monday

für alle, die es noch nicht wissen:bei photocase gibt es jeden montag den “free credit monday”, d.h. da gibt es 2 download-credits geschenkt, mit denen man sich ein hübsches foto in web-qualität kaufen kann. ich habe mir das da oben gekauft, von einem meiner favorit-fotografen: rowan.every monday photocase offers two free credits. they may be used for buying a photo in web-quality. today i bought this one, made by one of my favorites: rowan.

dmitri gerasimov

i found his site via photocase, i am so impressed of dmitri gerasimovs work, that i really have to write about it. he was born 1985 (we ve got the same age) in belorussia and is now living and working in estonia. (i hate belorussia, sorry, but some years ago i had to spent one night in”jail” there…) nevermind, his work is overwhelming…PHOTOGRAPHYDRAWINGS(you`ll find much more great work on his website!