Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: user-generated

The Myth of Serendipity

Foto: Cybertronic by seraph / A good READ by Henry Nothhaft, Jr.: “In seeking to achieve serendipity, the individual reader becomes both the target of content delivery mechanisms and the genesis of what that content may be. This is why serendipity is so closely associated with personalization – it requires a high-resolution understanding of the user.”_ “The benefit of social serendipity is that our social groups have always been a primary indicator of how we choose to define ourselves and our interests. If something is important or relevant to our friends, there is a high likelihood that it is also relevant to ourselves, as well. The con is that social serendipity is therefore largely public by necessity, and thus a projection of ourselves we would present to others or like to be seen. The propensity to amplify the echo-chamber of like-mindedness is also exaggerated, whereas the goal of serendipity largely lies in the surprise and delight of unexpected content.”.

User-Generated Magazine: DEINBLICK

deinanblick – your authentic life magazineEin Einblick: “Pure! Exciting! Unique!deinblick is the first international user-generated life magazine. It’s all about your life, your style, your views, and it’s written by you.The idea is simple: deinblick sets a topic for each upcoming issue and you provide the content. What you get is a high-quality print magazine, loaded with the very best from your contributions.The topics are going to come from all over the place: ranging from music, sports, fashion, interior decoration to travel, food & drink. These are just some of the topics that we’ll be exploring with you. We’re looking forward to receiving a huge variety of photographs, impressions and ideas on pure life and authentic styles. The more of you that participate, the more fun it’ll be.deinblick is the platform for your views and to read those of others from all over this planet of ours.So be part of the deinblick world!Current issue topic: Pure EnergyYour are a musician, a sports superfan, an ambitious startup as we are, or living a life of extremes? …

User-Generated Print Magazines

Von Print zu Webund wieder zurück: “i LIKe my stYLe” ist das selbst ernannte “first user-generated fashion magazine”, das den kreativen Output der ilike – Community in gedruckter Form bündelt und in den Zeitschriftenständern dieser Welt seinen Platz findet.Ich habs gelesen und stelle fest: i like! Das ist auf jeden Fall kein klassisches Modemagazin, es ist neu, bunt, lustig, interessant, web-basiert aber vor allem authentisch. Es ist das, was man auf einer “guten Welle” beim surfen im Netz findet nur gefiltert und gedruckt. Wenns nach mir geht: Mehr davon! Ein guter Trend.